Why are aliens always shown as small and green creatures? Here is the answer to every question

Why are aliens always shown as small and green creatures?  Here is the answer to every question

Be it a movie or all the pictures available on the internet…as soon as you read or watch something about aliens, you will see strange small green colored thin creatures everywhere. But now the question arises that who decided that aliens look like this. 

The biggest thing is how the whole world accepted it. Had anyone really seen an alien, whose story the whole world believes in? Let us try to know in detail why aliens are always shown as strange green colored creatures.

Aliens and green color

Arthur Evans, managing editor of the Journal of Science Fiction Studies at DePauw University in Indiana, says in an interview to Live Science that the story of this alien and the color green goes back to the 12th century. In fact, whatever happened in Europe, especially England, during that time, had an impact on the entire world. In the 12th century itself, the story of Woolpit, a village in England, was spreading rapidly in Europe.

This story was ‘The Green Children of Woolpit’. All the people in Europe who were hearing the story of those green children of Woolpit village, were considering it to be true. It was being said about these children that their skin was green and they were eating only green things. The surprising thing for the villagers was that the children did not even know the local language.

But after some time when the children understood the language of the villagers, they told that they had come from Saint Martin’s Land. Are. It is said that after a short time, one of the two children suddenly became ill and died. However, from this story it is clear why the alien was considered green. But now the question arises that why their shape is shown in a strange way instead of being shown like that of children.

Small and strangely shaped aliens

< p>When humans lived in caves, they used to try to depict the events happening around them through pictures on the walls of the caves. Many such paintings have been found in caves, in which strange people and things like flying saucers or UFOs have been depicted. A few years ago, such paintings were also found in a cave in Charama in Chhattisgarh, India.

According to the report of Times of India, archaeologist J. R. Bhagat says that these paintings made in the caves are about 10 thousand years old. He says that the figures made in the paintings are similar to those shown in films about aliens and UFOs. That means the strings of alien figures are connected to the paintings made in caves thousands of years ago.

Army Chief’s statement and Little Green Man’s theory

April 21 Year 2016. This date got recorded in history because of a statement by US Army Chief Mark Milley. In fact, on the same day, Mark Milley gave a speech at the Military Reserve Training Program of Norwich University in the state of Vermont and in this speech he said  ‘I wish you all a little green man’ Have to deal with. However, here he had said about the Little Green Man i.e. the soldiers of Russia and Ukraine. Because the color of their uniform is green. BBC also published a news explaining this.

But by then people in the world considered the Little Green Man to be an alien and various kinds of stories started being created on it. Actually, there has always been a theory about America that it has contact with creatures from other worlds. Be it the stories of Area 51 or the American Navy’s encounter with UFOs. This is the reason why when the Chief of Staff General of the US Army called him Little Green Man, people first associated him with creatures from another world.

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